LB Automobile: our car showroom is here for foreign clients too!

Buy a tested and verified car in mint condition from us and you can use it to drive back to your home country. We’ll arrange everything for you within two hours right in our car centre.

  • Our car showroom and service centre is a family company with tradition and an excellent reputation in the field of car sales and service. In an independent assessment of car showrooms undertaken by Cebia, we received five stars.
  • We focus on the sale of cars and vans of various brands and models. We import our vehicles from the EU or purchase them in the Czech Republic, always from the first owner. None of our cars have been involved in accidents and are in excellent condition.
  • We stock up to 150 vehicles and offer a wide range of cars as well as vans, share taxis, pickup trucks, minibuses, flatbed trucks, box trucks,  refrigerator / freezer trucks, dump trucks, vehicles with hydraulic arms, three-sided dump trucks, CNG vehicles and more. Our current selection is on our website. You will find up to fifty photos for each vehicle. Cars can be viewed using this link. Here, you can browse our vans and trucks.
  • We know the history of all our cars, and we guarantee their mileage state, service book and all other necessary documents. Straight away, we’ll take care of customs export documentation for countries outside the EU, the EUR. 1 movement certificate certifying vehicle origin, export licence plate and insurance including green card for up to ninety days. You will be able to leave in your new car.
  • We also provide top quality car and tyre servicing, undertake manual interior and exterior washing, provide air-conditioning servicing and environmentally-friendly replacement refrigerant, and undertake careful bodywork repair and other services.
  • Our car centre is in a great position just 5 minutes off Prague’s ring road. We will also be happy to meet you at the airport or train station and bring you to our car centre.
  • We are open from Monday to Saturday, from 8.00am-6.00pm. You can contact us by phone during these working hours, or you can email us at any time. We speak English, German, Russian and Serbian.

Ladislav Brynda
tel: +420241711643
mobile: +420 602245246

We take care of our clients.

Quality – professionalism – a businesslike approach. LB Automobile

On-line rezervační systém pro
přezutí pneumatik

On-line rezervační systém pro
servis klimatizace

Uskladnění pneumatik

Pneuservis akce 2024


Certifikát kvality služeb pro náš autobazar a autoservis

LB Automobile

Dobronická 635
Praha 4 - Kunratice


PO - PÁ 8:00 - 18:00
SO 8:00 - 18:00


PO - PÁ 8:00 - 18:00
SO 8:00 - 18:00


On-line rezervační systém pro přezutí pneumatik >>


Autoservis Praha

Příběh autocentra LB Automobile začíná v roce 1995, kdy jsme začali opravovat i prodávat osobní a užitkové vozy. Každým rokem jsme zvyšovali kvalitu nabízených služeb a počet aut v nabídce autobazaru.

V současné době naše autocentrum nabízí kompletní služby jako je autoservis Praha 4, pneuservis Praha 4 a měření emisí ME pro vozidla různých značek. Máme moderní zázemí a používáme originální autodíly. O vaše auto bude pečovat tým zkušených mechaniků i kvalifikovaných odborníků na diagnostiku.

Prodej kvalitních pneumatik světových značek on-line za nízké ceny.

Více informací o firmě
LB Automobile


Prodej pneu Praha 4